
To achieve its goals and objectives BSAAE can perform the following activitie

  • Publishing activities (publication and sale of books and other publications);
  • Publishing journnal and similar editions;
  • Research in socialn and humanistic science,
  • Market research and consalting;
  • Other - education (organizing of lectures, discussions, seminars, simposiums, kongres);
  • Activities of of professional associations;

The Association cooperates with other relevant scientific and professional institutions, corporations and associations in the fields of agriculture, rural development and agro-industrial complex, the relevant associations from other countries and international organizations of agricultural economists. The area of activity of the Company is the territory of the Republic of Serbia, neighboring and other Balkan states.


BSAAE is the legal successor of the founding and publishing rights of the institutional predecessor of the Association - Community research institutions, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Economists Association of Yugoslavia, in relation to the journal "Economics of Agriculture" through which ensures transparency and publication of conference proceedings, monographs and other publications and statements in the media.